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Curriculum Implementation

We ensure that our planned curriculum is implemented in full by providing all teachers with detailed unit plans and high-quality resources.

The teaching of reading is prioritised. Phonics is taught daily to Reception, Year 1 and Early Readers across the school. At Key Stage 2 children read for at least one hour a day during two dedicated reading sessions. The majority of children will read with an adult everyday.  Wherever possible cross-curricular reading books are used to support the implementation of the Humanities or Science curriculum.

A team of subject specialist teachers oversee the implementation of plans and support teachers to ensure that their teaching builds upon children’s prior knowledge and challenges them appropriately.

The implementation of our curriculum is supported by the use of our grounds – our nature garden, roof-top greenhouse, STEAM lab, music room and art studio all facilitate subject specific learning.

Our pedagogical approach is broadly based upon Rosenshine’s Principles of Direct Instruction:

       1. Daily review

         2. Present new material using small steps

         3. Ask questions

         4. Provide models

         5. Guide student practice

         6. Check for student understanding

         7. Obtain a high success rate

         8. Provide scaffolds for difficult tasks

         9. Independent practice

         10. Weekly and monthly review