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School Day

As a maintained school, Argyle Primary must be open for at least 190 days during the school year. The government expects that we should be delivering a school week of at least 32.5hours.

The school day starts at 8.45am and finishes at 3.15pm, this is 6.5 hours a day and therefore 32.5 hours a week. (These hours include dinnertime and playtime.)

Supervision and Security 

Each day, Ms Wade or a member of SLT as well as a member of the premises team supervise the gates in the morning and afternoon during the arrival and the departures of pupils.  
The gates are locked just after classes go upstairs for registration, around 8.45am. 

Early Years Foundation Stage

  • The Nursery and Reception door opens at 8.40am and at 9.00am the register is taken. Parents of children in Nursery and Reception are expected to take their children to the classrooms where their teachers are waiting to welcome them. Lessons begin promptly after registration at 9.00am, and it is important that lessons are not disrupted by late arrivals.
  • From Summer 2 the pupils in reception will attend the whole school singing assembly on Friday mornings. They will need to be at school by 8.50am. 
  • The Nursery door opens at 8.45am.
  • Lunch time is 11.30am-12.30pm for Reception and Nursery.
  • The school day ends at 3.10pm for EYFS.
  • Parents are asked to wait patiently for staff to hand over each child to their parent.

Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 

  • The school gate opens at 8.35am and children go straight to their class line in the playground.
  • Pupils should be in line at 8.40am, ready to go upstairs to class with their teacher at 8.45am promptly.
  • At 8.45am the register is taken, this is the start of the school day.
  • If a child arrives between 8.46-9.00am they are marked as late before register is closed (L – Late)
    Subsequently if they arrive after 9.00am it becomes late after the register is closed (U – Unauthorised).
  • There are assemblies on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and school forum on Wednesday mornings, immediately after registration.
  • Lunch breaks vary between classes to allow for space and time for eating and play.
  • At the end of the school day, the school gate is opened at 3pm.
  • Classes will line up in their designated place in the playground for pupils to be collected by their parents.
  • Pupils collected after, 3.20pm will need to be signed out on the screen.

Changes in normal arrangement for collection

If you cannot pick up your child, we ask you to ensure that we know the person who will be collecting them. Please inform the school office before 3pm. If we have not been informed of the person collecting, we will keep the child in the office until we are absolutely sure of the arrangements.

If you are running late, please let the school office know as soon as possible.  

Children in older year groups may arrive and leave school independently, with written permission from their parents or carers that has been agreed by the headteacher.