Speaking & Listening
Spoken Language Skills
92% of children at Argyle are learning English as an Additional Language. We therefore,carefully build opportunities to develop spoken language skills for all children in every lesson and subject. Opportunities to use ICT to enhance spoken language skills are planned into lessons such as the use of ‘Easispeak’ recorders.
Words of the Week
Having 'Words of the Week' provides pupils with an opportunity to learn challenging vocabulary and use it correctly.
Key vocabulary is taught explicitly and children learn to use it correctly, through MRAF.
Group work, collaboration and listening to the ideas of others are valued as a means of fostering effective spoken language skills. Drama and debate also enhance learning at all levels.
Oracy Research Cluster
Argyle is involved in the Oracy Research Cluster in Camden. The schools involved are working with Voice 21 to put oracy at the forefront of the curriculum.
The Talk Team at Argyle have been working on implementing strategies that can be used in classes to improve the quality of talk in class.
Talk for Writing
Our school follows the Talk for Writing model, as we believe that the oral rehearsal of new plots, text genres, sentence structures and language are key to the child understanding, internalising and applying new language skills.